If you�re at your wit�s end with your phone, screaming at it when it takes 10 minutes to start an app, it may be time for a factory reset. A factory reset will erase all of your phone�s data and restore it to the settings that it came with out of the box. Before you throw your phone in the trash, check out this guide.
Open your device�s Settings.
The Settings app can have varying icons depending upon on your specific device, and may be also found within the App Tray or by pushing the phone�s dedicated menu button.Find your Factory Reset option.
Depending on your device, the �Factory data reset� feature may be located in one of two sections within the Settings app:
- Select the �Privacy� settings, and scroll down to �Factory reset�
- Select the �Backup and reset� settings, and scroll down to �Factory reset�
Tap �Reset device� to delete all data and restore your device�s factory settings.
The accounts that you are signed into will be displayed on the screen. By default, all of your phone�s internal storage will be wiped.
- If you want to erase all of the data on your phone�s SD card as well, check the box at the bottom of the screen.
This will delete all data and restore back to your device�s factory settings. Your phone will be as if it just came out of the box.